Dr. Emily Becher is a research associate for the Parents Forever program within the Applied Research and Evaluation unit at the University of Minnesota Extension Center for Family Development. Her research interests include the promotion of healthy couple and family outcomes with a focus on co-parent education, psychological trauma and intimate partner violence. Dr. Becher holds a B.A. in Psychology, an M.S. in Couple and Family Therapy and most recently, a Ph.D. in Family Social Science from the University of Minnesota awarded in late 2014.
Chris Mehus is a doctoral candidate in Couple and Family therapy in the Family Social Science department at the University of Minnesota and holds a M.A. in Couples and Family Therapy. He has a private practice primarily working with couples and people dealing with the effects of traumatic stress. Broadly, his research involves prevention of the inter-generational impact of traumatic stress. His current primary research is supporting parents who have traumatic experiences in their histories in northern Uganda.
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